Saturday, January 29, 2005

first blog after finally making it

hey everyone,

i have finally made it to my destination. i have found a place to stay with an older lady who does not speak English. which is funny because i don't speek portuguese. we use a lot of dictionaries and it is a struggle, but it is also quite funny.

well, i don't have much time to write at the moment because i am in an internet cafe and my time is running on a meter. i have yet to find a place to use the wireless connection, but when i do, know that i will send some pictures (if i remember how) because this place is beautiful. (for the sake of endulging my friends i will keep the place anonomous for now, but just know that it is crazy, frightning, and confussing to live in a city where you could go a whole day without hearing your own language. i get by with the phrase "fala ingles?" and then if they do speek english then i say more. otherwise i ask someone else or search through my pocketbook dictionary to find a word to help me. it is funny sometimes and i find it best to laugh it off, but it is a real struggle. pray for me.

i miss you.



Anonymous said...

Hey Thomas! I am so glad that you made it safely!! We miss you already! This is going to be such a great oppurtunity and adventure for you. Try to take it all in. It will be over before you know it. I am glad that you are having some comic relief with your house mom. I am envisioning the whole mental picture in my head and laughing as you two try to commuicate. It will get easier over time. Take care and know that you are loved and missed. We will all be praying for you and awaiting your return!.....Angie

thomas said...

hey guys, thanks for the prayers and encouragement. they really work. david, i don't know what the hell that was because i have not started class yet. you have to remember that i am not in the comfort of my home where i can look up the words that are not familiar and you probably just copied the texted using another language button. well all the commands on this computer are in that other language. anyway, my experiences are getting better by the moment and it is great to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

Hey there Thomas! Hope you are enjoying it! I got a good laugh envisioning you and that woman staring at each other and shuffling through a pocket dictionary. I know it is hard right now, I felt the same way in New Hampshire (except everyone spoke english), but I promise that it will get better. Enjoy the beauty that is around you. I soaked every bit of it up when I was in NH. Just think, you might not ever have this opportunity again, so make the most of it. Praying for you! em